Huffington Post By: Matthew Meisner
As we all celebrate the New Year we typically take the time to reflect on the past year and look forward to what the next 12 months holds. With the ‘pop, clink, cheers’ of New Year’s Eve firmly behind us and the Champaign buzz a hazy memory, comes the obligatory and often much dreaded resolutions making. This is where we face the reality of our lives and resolve to do some form of self-improvement, which statistically 88% will fail to keep.
Luckily, as designers and the hyper-creatives that we are, we often live outside of that reality. In worlds where the flowers are always fresh and the homes are always camera ready. That is why this year it was our resolution to do something different, so we asked today’s top interior designers and experts to come up with their design resolutions for 2016.

Image Courtesy: Douglas Friedman
Resolution No. 1
“I have found a new and deep appreciation for architectural salvage and hope to create a stronger focus on incorporating old and salvaged materials in 2016!”
Jeremiah Brent,
Interior Designer and host of Emmy Award winning lifestyle show, Home Made Simple on OWN
Resolution No. 2
“My New Year’s resolution is to embrace the imperfect. I think as designers we so often strive to have everything be just so – always attempting to makes things appear perfect. However in letting go of the unachievable – and embracing the imperfections in life – we also find the joy. The dog hair on the sofa, the cluttered coffee table, the remnants of a meal – these are the results of things that bring me happiness. Curling up with one of my dogs for a nap on the sofa, reading the Sunday papers around the coffee table, or gathering with friends for a memorable dinner – all bring great joy. A little mess can be the sign of a life well lived. I intend to embrace it and give myself a hall pass when it comes to seeking perfection!”
Ken Fulk,
Image Courtesy: Daniel Collopy
Resolution No. 3
“Seek out artists and learn about their practice. I find that great art that is meaningful to my clients is generally the best way to create an inspiring space that represents theirs style. Befriending artists, touring their studios, and asking them about how they create not only helps you understand their work, it inspires you to be creative in designing your space.”
Orlando Soria,
West Coast Creative Director at Homepolish
Resolution No. 4
“Next year I plan to refresh our New York apartment without having to redecorate the place entirely. I’ll add trim to the curtains, re-arrange art and swap out lamps (including the shades and finials). I might even replace our box-y coffee table with something a little more glam, then layer on a great kilim rug over the sisal for a modern mix.”
Eddie Ross,
Resolution No. 5
“The best advice/resolution is not new at all, but hails from William Morris, founder of the Arts & Crafts movement and dating to the late 1800’s/ early 1900’s “have nothing in your homes that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful”. This wise yet simple advice could really help people declutter and live with less. Brilliant words that I try to live by always.”
Sarah Richardson,
Resolution No. 6
“This year my goal is to include global perspective in my designs and incorporate a new mix of eclectic styles to create fresh and yet timeless spaces for my clients.”
Becki Owens,
Resolution No. 7
“This year I resolve to convince my clients that design elements on ceilings, whether they be coffering, panelling or even a fresh coat of a colorful paint, are equally as important as the design elements on walls and floors. Ceilings are often left white and ignored, but overlooking them can become a true missed design opportunity.”
Jeff Trotter,
Resolution No. 8
“This year in designing furniture for Society Social, I resolve to bring back the classics with an updated twist. For example, rattan totally deserves a revival! Whether it’s painted in a vibrant hue or all natural– it can go from coastal to city chic!”
Roxy Te Owens,
Image Courtesy: Anna with Love & Koko Photo
Resolution No. 9
“I resolve to make a change and possibly move this year. I have been in a comfort zone here at the Glitter Suite for almost 8 years. It is time to shake up the energy and consider something new. Wish me luck!”
Tiffany Pratt,
Resolution No. 10
“This year I’m resolving to delight in design more than ever before! My mindset is go bold or go home – the happiest of hues and punchiest of prints. Our spaces will make you smile”
Jana Bek,
Image Courtesy: Graham Nystrom
Resolution No. 11
“For 2016 I want to hit the road and find global inspiration for interior design. I want to be inspired by natures colour palette and bring a well-traveled feel into my space as well as my clients. I want to continue to be unpredictable and eclectic.”
Janette Ewen,
Image Courtesy: Anna with Love
Resolution No. 12
“This year I resolve to embrace more pattern and rich hues when creating design concepts for my clients, this means more florals and rich colours like navy and plum”
Amanda Forrest,
Resolution No. 13
“This year I resolve to incorporate more masculinity into my designs so that my work feels less delicate. I’m also hoping to branch out from a signature palate of blush, gold and black and embrace some of my favourite colours of the moment: pistachio green, robin’s egg blue and rich burgundy,”
Christine Dovey,
Resolution No. 14
“This year I resolve to push for quality, investment pieces that will stand the test of time. All too often clients are easily wooed by catalog brands that show up in their mailbox, but part of working with a designer is trusting their judgement on where to save and where to splurge.”
Jessie Miller,
Resolution No. 15
“My goal this year is to use new materials. 2015 was the year of marble for me and I am challenging myself to dive into new materials. Looking towards materials like bronze and plaster for the upcoming year.”
Ryan Korban,
Resolution No. 16
“My belief has always been that good design draws as much upon intuition as tradition, and that rooms should feel as though they were furnished over time and curated with momentous that have a sense of personal history. This year it is my goal to explore that juxtaposition between old and new more and take every opportunity to incorporate more vintage treasures into my designs.”
Matthew Meisner,